The martial arts school in Utrecht of my father where it all began. At the moment I teach the nunchaku-do groups in the WNA style of nunchaku. All the people of the school supported me every tournament and everytime during training! Check outwww.sportschoolvandenberg.nl

Nunchakushop.com is the best online shop for the black and yellow safty nunchaku's of the World Nunchaku Assocations.
I have used the safty-nunchaku in my entire carreer and I still use them today. There are numberous nunchaku's you can choose of.
Check it out on: www.nunchakushop.com

Team Scka is a team of martial arts atheletes from different countries in Europe. Team Scka provides my with all the inside rules and training methodes for the musical form circuit. Also they provide all the information for tournaments in Europe. Team Scka is a young team with great members in the martial arts!

Besides the training at Sportschool Van den Berg I always train privatly with my coach Geert Mulder. He always guided me to be in topshape for all the tournaments. Every detail for forms/freestyle or kumite got attention and I always could train alone when I needed it.
I am forever greatfull to this fitness school in Utrecht.

Costum Cotton provides great service for creating all the prints on the shirts and clothing during the live shows. Super fast service and allways on point! Thank You Pieter!

Lynysters is the company that creates all the great artwork. Since 2018 I am working with Lynysters and they never disappoints! Many thanks Lin for all the great work!